Employees are part of an organization’s attack surface, 确保他们拥有保护自己和组织免受威胁的专业知识是健康安全计划的关键部分. If an organization needs to comply with different government 和 industry regulations,例如 FISMA, 一种总线标准, HIPAA or 萨班斯-奥克斯利法案,必须为员工提供安全意识培训,以满足监管要求.
取决于组织中可用的内部安全资源和专业知识, 引入第三方来协助安全意识培训服务可能是有意义的. Regardless of whether outside assistance is leveraged, 组织的领导者应该了解建立安全意识培训计划的内容, 参与, 和 offer feedback throughout the process.
每个组织都会有一种更符合其文化的培训方式. There are many options, including:
In some cases, a combination of these may be the best option. Security awareness training is not a one-和-done exercise. Regular security training through multiple media is ideal, especially if the organization has high turnover rates.
在决定覆盖哪些主题时,还应考虑组织的独特威胁概况. Possible topics may include but are not limited to:
有一个适当的过程来衡量培训的有效性是必不可少的. One way to do this is through a quiz. 在部署培训之前,应该进行测试,以获得基线测量,然后查看发生了什么变化. If 网络钓鱼 exercises are conducted on a regular basis, 组织应该跟踪员工对这些训练的反应是改善了(还是恶化了)!) after they’ve undergone security awareness training.
While it may be slightly less scientific, 随着时间的推移,随着员工和资产的增加,组织还可以通过寻找安全事件数量和类型的趋势来确定培训的影响. 让一个人在办公室里走来走去寻找暴露的密码也可能很有趣, 打开电脑, 并对潜在的物理安全风险进行几次前后的培训,以确定行为是否发生了变化.
Security may be a top priority for the security team, but other teams will have their own set of goals. Organizations should do their best to respect that time—ideally, 培训应该根据员工的角色进行定制,以确保所有的培训内容都与个人及其所做的工作相关.
这可以让员工专注于重要的事情,并尽快回到工作中. It also ensures that the riskier users at an organization,例如 domain administrators, receive the right type of training that addresses vulnerabilities 和 threats that are more relevant to the work they do.
在与员工一起回顾政策和最佳实践时,一定要解释清楚 为什么 each one is important. 如果用户了解政策的全部背景,并相信这是正确的做法,他们就更有可能遵守政策. 例如, 从互联网上安装随机软件的风险变得更加明显,因为有人会很快发现一个伪装得很好的软件 ransomware can encrypt all of the files on their workstation.
最后, 如果有人在培训中遇到困难,组织应该避免点名个别员工,或者表现得居高临下. 而不是, 团队领导应该专注于创造一种环境,让每个人都能轻松地提出问题和报告事件.
At the end of training, 用户应该感到有能力帮助保护组织,并兴奋地与其他团队合作,以创建更安全的环境. 了解贵组织的独特需求和文化将是使培训成功的关键.